The Fittest

Hello friends! Welcome to my blog. Today is International Tiger Day. There were three thinkers in 19th century who changed the way world thinks and works today, may be unknowingly. They were Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche and Charles Darwin. Today we are going to discuss about Darwin's statement Survival of the fittest. Image Credits- Few …

Tangled Chains

When we talk about relations then most of us think about our cousins, uncles and many more blood relationships also your parents and these things are mostly observed in my country India. If you share a common genetic material doesn't matter if it is 7 generations ago you share a sort of formal relationship. Today …

Balance of “modern”and open minded.

Hello friends! Welcome to my blog. Today I am going to discuss about the being modern and being open minded. These days in my nation India, I see a lot of people pretending of being modern. They try to adopt more and more western culture. It is a common belief that the more your lifestyle …

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